Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Dear Diary (02)

Dear Diary,

today I was very happy because I was going to sign the contract for my new huge and pretty flat in the evening.
Unfortunately the 88yo landlord forgot that I had called to say "yes, I want it!" already and spent the day waiting for my phonecall, until she finally gave the flat to someone else. I can feel fate laughing harrassingly about me.


Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

Ravenboy / Rabenjunge

"Ravenboy" is an animated short movie for which I was part of the puppet building team, and for which I also puppeteered in the summer of 2009 (pictures of the movie & the making of at the Homepage). Now, 1,5 years later, the movie finally has its premiere:
At the Berlinale 2011, taking place from 10th-20th of february!

It's nominated in two categories:
"Kurzfilme 2 Kplus" and "Generation Mix".

13.02. 14:00 Haus der Kulturen der Welt Kino 2
14.02. 11:30 CinemaxX 3
15.02. 10:00 Filmtheater am Friedrichshain
20.02. 16:00 CinemaxX 5

Additional dates are at the Filmfest Dresden / International Shortfilm Festival,
taking place 12.-17.04.

It will also be shown at the NEWZ!-Festival in Stuttgart, Mi 04.05. 19:00.

As well as at the 18th International Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart,
in the Category "Young Animation", Programm 1,
taking place 03.-08.05.

Go and see!

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

It's done!

After one more week of hard work on costume, handlings and details it's done. Premiere was on the third of february, and it went quite well. Now it's off my hands and fully under control of the Hör- und Schaubühne Stuttgart.
A weird feeling, always again, not to be on stage as well. I'll have to learn it better to have less adrenaline-d premieres.