Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Kulturpflaster in Regensburg

Just returned from Regensburg, after some fantastic days!

The Regensburger Kulturpflaster was actually one of the most cozy-feeling festivals I ever performed at. Travelling and performing on your own always is an adventure and pretty much anything can happen, but in Regensburg I had some three minutes of realization time that I knew no one before I started to get lost in conversations. - And I actually talked with the most amazing and sweet people over the weekend! Artists as well as visitors who came to see Unten and me.

Huge thanks to the Mischkultur e.V. who organized everything as well as to the audience who stayed through rain and masses of other festivities that took place in Regensburg this weekend. It was great fun being and performing at the festival!

Photos: altrofoto (1), Christiane Plank (2 - Thanks a lot to you and Marlene!)

...usually I take pictures from the view I get when I look out of my hotel rooms' windows.
This time I just HAD to take a picture of the place itself:

Some German PS:
Falls ihr Fotos von der Kommode machtet - würdet ihr sie mir mailen? Da ich auf Festivals die ganze Zeit beschäftigt bin fehlt es mir an Fotos. Sowohl für mich zur Dokumentation und Erinnerung, als auch für weiteres Werbematerial. Dass ich den Namen des Fotografen erwähne wäre eine Selbstverständlichkeit. (An dieser Stelle nochmal ein deutschsprachiges Dankeschön an Christiane Plank!)

Und noch was: DU, der mir solange Löcher in den Bauch fragte, bis ich kapitulierte und eine Schublade öffnete: die Baubilder sind versammelt. Mir fehlt bloß die Mailadresse, an die ich sie senden soll!

Montag, 1. September 2014

Retrospection: August 2014

There're always times, at which life just tries to swallow you as a whole - everything happens at once.
Despite struggling to find time to blog I unfortunately didn't manage to do so. Instead I'll post retrospections of highlights. OLALA - Internationales Straßentheater-Festival Lienz (A)

Fotos: BrunnerImages

COLORI at the parade. It was a bliss performing with such a great audience, and the music of the Orchestre International du Vetex, who led the parade on, was just energizing everyone!

Crazy view on the Lienz' Dolomites and from my room's window in the guesthouse. Mountains everywhere! I am fully aware that those photographs are not beautiful in any way, I still had to share them. Having grown up in the north those are just spectacular views for me!

Kulturhaus Pusdorf in Bremen organized Kunst im Camp.
20 children between 11 and 14 years were camping at the Pusdorf Beach. During daytime other kids joined in, and together they took part in several artistical workshops that were offered to them. Hopefully it will be possible to repeat this project in 2015!

No clue who shot this photo... Please contact me in case you know, or are the photographer and want me to remove it.

I found myself a new workshop space! Schule21 will host me from October onwards. Looking very much forward for it!

Freitag, 1. August 2014

Retrospection: July 2014

July started well with COLORI at the Memminger Meile! The audience welcomed us with a long applause even before we had done anything. Greatest way to start a show!

Photos: Monika Sparakowski

A picture from backstage I love because of the crooked humour: Even COLORIs (and their family) need to account:

I'm still waiting for photographs of COLORI's show at the Schauwerk Sindelfingen. Green, Red and White behaved beautifully Italian to match the evening's theme of an Italian Night.

Unten was shown at the Festival der Straßenkunst in Haslach.

Photos: Manfred Pagel

And between all this I was extremely lucky to be able to spend some time on Helgoland. For just holiday-y reasons. And it was beautiful!